
10 reasons you know you grew up in a Pentecostal Church


1. You call yourself a ‘Pente’

2. You been caught nodding and saying “Yep, Amen,” when you’re uni lecturer makes a good point.

3. At any given moment you could break into a Southern accent and shout “Oh Gloorry!!”

4. When you’re excited both hands shoot straight up in the air and wave spirit fingers.

5. You don’t just ‘live’ with your fiends and family – you ‘do life’ with them.

6. Under the age of 10 you went forward and were ‘slain in the Spirit’ just to see if someone would catch you.

7. You’ve played Chubby Bunnies at least 15 times and have the fillings to match… and still proudly hold the church record.

8. In Yr 8 you really committed and got your W.W.J.D. wristband.

9. You know exactly what an ‘A-Frame’ hug is and why everyone should perfect it.

10. You stood next to your crush at youth camp just so you could hold hands during grace.
(…and then got married at 22 and now have 4 kids).

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Read more: Signs you may be addicted to busyness.

Photo: Laura Bennett

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